Tax Preparation | Tax Advice & Planning | Tax Debt Relief | Tax Accountant | Tax Advisor | Downtown Toronto

Tax Expert, Tax Specialist, Tax Return Preparation, Tax Advice, Tax Planning, Tax Debt Relief Solutions, CRA Letters and Calls, Non Resident Tax , Tax Accountant Downtown Toronto & Financial District. Call 416-628-7824 and press 2 to speak with an advisor.

Contact Downtown Toronto Personal Tax Return Services at 416-628-7824 Ext.2 during business hours. If you do receive voice mail, please do leave message with best day and time to call.

Downtown Toronto Personal Tax Return Services is located at 401 Bay Street, Suite 1600, Toronto ON M5H 2Y4. Located on the corner of Bay Street and Queen Street. Across from the Toronto Eaton Centre and Nathan Phillips Square.

Downtown Toronto Personal Tax Return Services

For the top and best downtown personal tax return services, please contact us at or 416-628-7824 Ext.2 to book an appointment.

Downtown Toronto Personal Tax Return Services 2018

We make the downtown personal tax return services process simple. Our clients rely on us to determine the minimum legally available income tax liability, through a creative and coordinated approach to the preparation of returns.

In many cases, there are a number of filing choices available that is complicated by the a large number of income tax laws in the Canada. In order to provide our clients with the best available alternative, many returns are prepared many times, using a set of alternative filing strategies. Our commitment to you is that we will research and recommend the optimal filing strategy in your specific situation.
We prepare returns for all 10 provinces from our offices in Toronto. All returns are prepared, and returned to our clients for final approval, signature and mailing or electronic filing as appropriate.   You will receive your returns by picking them up personally or by Fedex fully assembled with complete instructions and filing envelopes attached, usually within a few days of submitting information to us.


Many potential clients ask us what the downtown personal tax return services process will cost. Our fees are based on time and complexity of the situation, and therefore will vary from case to case. In general, our average fees for a tax accountant:

Canadian Individual Returns:

Average fees: $CDN 249 to $650 per year filed:
Federal T1 return
Filing for one province or territory
Return may include investment income and capital transactions, on a full or part year residence basis

Returns with additional complexity, business statements or higher volume investment activity are billed at our standard hourly rates.

Principal $C 400

Types of Downtown Toronto Personal Tax Return Services:

Personal Tax Returns (T1)
Employment T4,T4A
Commission or Sales Income T4A
Self-Employment T2125 (Sole Proprietor)
Partnership Income
Professional Income
Business Income
Internet Income (Ebay, Uber, AirBnB, Amazon)
Offshore Income
Interest and Investment Income T5, T3
Unincorporated Business
Self Contractor
Rental Income T776
Arrival Tax Returns T1 (Immigration)
Departure Tax Returns T1 (Emigration)

Do you need to use a downtown personal tax return services?

It is not necessary for everyone to use a professional tax preparation service. Of course it saves time, a greater chance of accuracy and completion on time. If, your needs are simple it would not be wise to use our services. If, you are able to complete you tax return on your own or with the assistance of a friend or family member and have the confidence with it, we suggest you go with that.

Why using a professional downtown toronto personal tax return services advisor is beneficial?

Complexity of your transaction that you have never dealt with before.
Understanding the tax laws associated with your transaction. The internet provides a great deal of information but does it apply to your tax needs.
Accuracy of applying tax legislation. Are you 100 percent sure you are right.
Completeness of your return. Are you aware of all deductions and credits you are entitled to.
Planning and your tax situation. Are you utilizing available tax shelters for the future.
Tax planning a subset of financial planning. Have you considered questions about your financial goals, retirement and the impact of tax planning on them.

For the best downtown toronto personal tax return services, please contact us to book an appointment for the 2018 Tax Return Season.

Downtown Toronto Personal Tax Return Services Checklist

Information you may need to bring for meeting with one of our tax advisors.
Last year’s tax return
Last year’s Notice of Assessment (NOA)
Changes to personal status – marriage, separation, birthdates, children birthdates, new address, telephone number, disabilities, death
Amounts paid by tax installments

T4 Employment income
T5 Interest or dividends
T3 Mutual fund income
T600 Canada Savings Bond interest
T4OAS Old Age Security (age 65)
T4A(P) Canada or Quebec Pension
T4A Pension, retiring allowance, scholarships
T4RIF Registered Retirement Income Fund
T4RSP Withdrawal from a RRSP
T5007 Workers compensation, social assistance
T5013 Partnership income
T4E Employment Insurance Benefits
T4PS Profit Sharing Plan

RRSP contribution slips
Professional fees or union dues (if not on T4)
Donations to Charities
Medical expenses (drugs, dental, glasses, therapy, private health plan premiums)
Summarize by family member and exclude any amounts reimbursed
Child care information
Tuition fees (post-secondary)
Interest on money borrowed to earn investment income
Safety deposit box (if you own investments)
Investment management fees
Labour sponsored tax credits
Spousal or child support paid
Political contribution receipts

Stocks – Capital gains summary report (from broker) or transaction slips/details
Mutual Funds – Annual statement showing gains/losses
For all investments sold, switched or exchanged during the year
Real estate sales – agreement of purchase and sale (for both original purchase and sale)

Spousal or child support received
Property tax or rent paid (if family net income < $40,000)
Employment expenses (auto / supplies / home office)
(form T2200 required – signed by employer)
Moving expenses (T1M) if you moved 40 km closer to new place of work
RRSP Home buyer information
Details of any foreign income

Home Office
Electricity, heat, water, maintenance & repairs, insurance, mortgage interest, % use of home for business

Vehicle Expenses
Fuel, insurance, license & registration, maintenance & repairs, parking, total kms driven for business and personal

Rental Properties
Details of owners/partners, gross revenue, advertising, interest, maintenance & repairs, office expenses, property taxes, travel costs, utilities.

2018 Downtown Toronto Personal Tax Return Services is by appointment only.

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M: 10AM-4PM
T: 10AM-4PM
W: 10AM-4PM
T: 10AM-4PM
F: 10AM-4PM

Extended Hours for Tax Season, please call to schedule.

Please book an appointment for pickup or drop off tax documents or to see an advisor. Please call 416-628-7824 and press 2 or send email to


Office Location
Toronto Tax Consulting is located on the 16th floor at 401 Bay Street (Simpson Tower) which is on the south east corner of Bay St. and Queen St, in the heart of downtown Toronto.

There is direct access to two parking areas - Bay Adelaide Centre and Toronto City Hall Parking.

TTC and Path
There is direct access from Queen Subway Station and the P-A-T-H. You can walk through the PATH from the Sheraton Hotel, Bay Adelaide Centre, The Bay and two parking areas.

From the west, we are also a short walk from Osgoode Subway Station on Queen.

Contact us

Mailing Address:
Toronto Tax Consulting
401 Bay Street
Suite 1600
Toronto, ON
M5H 2Y4

Tel: 416-628-7824
Fax: 866-528-1387

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